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AI Avatar - Old Lady Welcoming Classmates to a Reunion

Welcome Classmates of the class of 1969! Has it been 55 years since we graduated? WOW, it seems like only yesterday we were chatting and scurrying through the hallways of Sidney High School trying to get to class on time. Do you remember walking by the teachers' lounge as clouds of smoke bellowed out? We could use Mrs. Shedd in Washington, D.C. right now! When someone dropped an item on Mr. Linker's classroom floor, he would always say, "Things are picking up!" as the student picked up their belongings. What wonderful memories. The older we get the more we appreciate our school memories and friendships at Sidney High School. Go Yellow Jackets! Wait. Were we Yellow Jackets? I don't remember. Go whatever! Welcome to sidneyhighschool.com.

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